The phytochemicals contained in the herbs provide the body with many different health benefits. For example, they can stimulate the excretion of acids through the kidneys and urinary tract 1, can contribute to a healthy bladder and urinary tract system 2, support good digestion 3, help support the immune system with the help of the natural antioxidants they contain4, support a healthy body weight5 and contribute to more energy 6
On this page you will find 52 different herbs, which are all alkaline and in combination lay the foundation for a delicious and alkaline herbal tea.
1) Fennel, mate leaves, lovage, raspberry leaves, queck root 2) dandelion root, field horsetail, field herb 3) chamomile, raspberry leaves, peppermint leaves 4) turmeric, black elderberry, rosemary, chamomile, thyme 5) mate leaves, black elderberry, queck root 6) ashwagandha, ginger